Arrived to Copenhagen last night and hit the ground running today. The place seems abuzz with Klima (Climate) energy with a swirl of diverse languages and cultures converging around the summit. Despite the fact that the COP organizers released more badges than it could admit (due to capacity restrictions) things seem very well organized with 'climate volunteers' distributed throughout the town center to help visitors and conference attendees. The locals are gracious hosts. Everyone seems eager and excited to talk about the summit and its historical importance. Expectations seem to be growing on the ground that the summit will yield a meaningful commitment to global GHG emissions reduction....I'm hopeful that will be the case.
Over the next week or so my goal is to capture some of the images and scenes outside of the formal proceedings (which are well covered). It is the Human face of climate change that reminds us that this is more than just a political convergence.
More later.....